The McStutterer
Mccustomer: “Mcgood Mcmorning, Mchow are Mcyou? Mccould McI Mchave Mca
McMcDonald’s McMcBreakfast Mcplease?
McEmployee: “What Size?”
McCustomer: “Mcuuuummmmm, Mcmedium Mcplease, Mcand Mccould I Mchave a
Mcblack Mccoffee Mcwith Mcthat Mctoo?”
McEmployee: “There are a couple of truckers staring at you.”
McCustomer: “Mcoh, Mcso Mcthere are, Mchello, McI Mcwon’t be Mclong.”
McEmployee: “That’ll be, $4.99, please?”
McCustomer: “Mcok, here’s Mcfive Mcdollars, Mcand Mccould Mcyou tell Mcme Mcwhere
McI Mccould find Mca McMctoilet?”
Mcemployee: “Out the main door and over to the left sir.”
McCustomer: “Mcthankyou, oh Mcand Mcanother Mcthing…”
At this point the truckers intervene…
Trucker One: “What the crap do you think you’re playing at!”
Mccustomer: “Mcordering McMcbreakfast, and Mctrying Mcto Mcmind my own Mcbusiness.”
Trucker Two: “Leave him alone Roy you can see he’s not right.”
McCustomer: “Mclook, Mcall McI Mcwant to Mcdo Mcis Mceat Mcmy Mcfood in Mcpeace,
Mcand I’d Mcappreciate Mcit Mcif you two Mctruckers would Mcleave it.”
Trucker One: “Oh, so were a couple of truckers are we?”
McCustomer: “Mcwell Mcyes, Mcyou’ve got the name of Mca Mchaulage Mcfirm
Mcembroidered Mcon Mcyour Mcshirts, McEddie McStobart is Mca
Mctrucking Mcfirm isn’t Mcit?”
Trucker One: “I’m going to pull your head off.”
and so the McCustomer reaches behind the counter and siezes a burger from the stack…
McCustomer: “Mcright you Mctwo Mcpricks, Mcback Mcoff or McI’ll Mcstab a Mcfinger
through the Mcmiddle of Mcthe McBurger.”
Trucker Two: “Alright, easy does it, don’t do anything silly, just put the burger down.”
McCustomer: “Mcno chance, I’m Mctaking the Mcburger and My McMcbreakfast Mcwith
Mcme, I’m Mcnot Mcstupid, and Mcif Mcyou’re Mcnot Mccareful the Mcnext
Mctime you Mcsee this McBurger It’ll be on the Mcevening Mcnews
Mcblindfolded with a Mcbloody Mcshooter Pointed at it’s Mcbun”
Trucker One: “Have a nice day.”