The Creative Dictator


Atelier, engine room, control center, crow’s nest, editing suite, cocktail lounge, opium den, staff room, man cave and wanking booth…What is the aesthetic layout of the space inside your head? The territory where the ideas come from?

These Polaroid sketches are an attempt to visualize a creative nerve center, at an undisclosed location from within the artist’s grey matter. Part pantomime, bickering alter egos, dictator and muse letting it all hang out, sifting through the conceptual clutter at summit meetings, on dummy runs, into dead ends and trigger happy nerve cells firing synapses through pea-shooters across the bows of the jobsworths.

Something drifts into place, a thought, adding to what has popped-up, to be agonized over, spawning many versions, some are crap, go again, put it on the back burner. Five hours later a fairly fully formed concept saunters around the mind. Don’t worry about naming it yet, just work with it, tease it this way and that, blow it up, stroke it, cajole and plead with it, take it for a pint… “come on sonny, stand up for yourself, you’re a bloody artwork, it’s time to boogie.”